Monday, December 1, 2008

December Already?

I'm amazed at how fast the time goes! It's December 1st already, and I feel so behind. I've only gotten a small fraction of my Christmas hopping done, and for the 1st time since we've been married, the Christmas tree isn't up the weekend after Thanksgiving. We just have to find the time to get it all done. Hopefully tonight we'll put everything out.

Benjamin is 5 months old today. He's a cutie-pie. He's eating cereal & green beans regularly now, and is starting to eat more formula than breastmilk. We're starting the weaning process, and it's going OK. I'm ready for him to be a little less reliant on only MOM to eat! We're having some trouble with him sleeping in his own bed, too, because he always wants to be near me in my bed (which is where our middle-of-the-night feedings take place), so I'm hoping that getting him strictly on the bottle will help that!

Happy Boy

He's NOT a morning person!

Mattie's continuing to thrive in preschool. Her teachers are very kind to her, and she loves them, so I'm happy! She's getting to where she likes a lot of attention and always needs it, which is something new for her, so I'm trying to be patient with this phase!

Mattie's Indian Name at her Preschool Thanksgiving Feast was "She who is as Sweet as a Honeybee"

Caroline is still Caroline. It's amazing how quickly her speech developed. It was almost as if overnight she begain enunciating and we could finally understand what she was saying. She's really growing up into a toddler. We still have loud crying & some temper tantrums, but it's starting to get better.

Smiling for the camera

What's funny is, she picked this book up out of a stack of books and walked around with it "playing doctor." If she only knew . . .

Jim started his new job last month and is doing well. He enjoys going to work and likes the folks who work there with him. He's also enjoying wearing real clothes to work now and has expensive taste, like me!! I keep telling him there's only room for one diva in this house!!

Us at Thanksgiving at Mema's house

As for now, it looks like we'll be staying home for Christmas. Jim has to work the day after, and we have to be home for church on Sunday morning, as Jim has to teach and I have to sing. So, we'll probably miss most of you but you can keep up with us on the blog!